Remember the before? Not so pretty, but you can see the potential right?
Before I get to far ahead of myself lets take a look at the cushions. I realize most of you know how easy it is to recover cushions. You simply unskrew them, cover with fabric and staple. I added some craft paper to the back just to give it a finished look. I know no one is going to lay on the ground and look under the chair, but it just made me feel like it was done right.
Then I sewed the ruffle for the skirt. I am sure this type of ruffle has a name, but I don't know what it is. Not only that, I have never made one like this before. This is how I did it.
The seat measured 52 inches around. I doubled that, which is 104 inches. I then cut a strip of linen that was 9 inches wide by 104 inches long. I then created a 1/2 inch seam on both sides then folded the fabric in half. Now my ruffle is 4 inches wide. I then created a fold every 2 1/2 inches. The fold was 1/2 inch deep. I ironed and pinned as I went. I then sewed the ruffle a 1/2 inch from the top to hold it all in place.
It was lovely even without the back. Some even suggested that I leave it open. It just didn't feel finished to me.
I then created a template out of craft paper of the seat back. I stenciled the number on one of the cut pieces of fabric. I attached it to another piece of fabric and sewed them together. I then added grommets that I got from Joannes Fabric Store. The kit was $30, but I had a 50% off coupon. To complete the look I added jute twine and secured the backs by tying them to the iron.
I wanted to add that I sprayed the chairs with clear coat spray paint for metal and outdoors. I used a water based product so that it wouldn't yellow. I wanted to keep the rust, but didn't want it to get worse, nor did I want it to rub off onto peoples clothing.
I am giddy and proud of the outcome. Soooo cute.
Thanks to all my gal pals for putting up with me talking about these darn chairs for a month. I love you. Also, thanks to all those that stopped by to check out this project and post. It really means a lot to know I am not just writing to myself.
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these are so fun! Great idea with the backs.
Wonderful job! I just wanted to note for anyone else who might want grommets that most hardware stores carry grommet kits for a fraction of the JoAnn's price--not just grommet packages but the tools.
Shelia, I LOVE your blog, so pretty! I also adore this project. Just voted for you:)! Good Luck!
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