Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Have Been MIA

 I know I have been MIA.  So sorry.  I feel paralyzed right now.  As I mentioned before we are selling our house.  I spend most of my time right now keeping the house up for showings.  I am afraid to cook or start any projects for fear an agent will call and want to show the house.  On top of that,  I either have to take the dogs with me wherever I go or take them to my parents.  I will be glad when this part is over.  The good news,  we have an offer, so hopefully we are on the home stretch.

Since my creative mind never stops working and I am starting to go a little crazy, I decided to focus my thoughts on my oldest son Tyler's upcoming graduation.  We just had his Sr. pictures taken and I should be getting them back soon.  I have been scanning Pinterest for ideas and of course they have plenty.

These are my favorite invitations so far.  I like simple.  I want the color to come from the picture.  I also like a little country flair.  I will get this from the font and the picture.  That is what is great about outdoor photos, they automatically look a little country.

Don't ask me why they are all of girls.  I think a boy photo will look awesome in all of these.

I will hopefully be back to my old self soon.  I am sure once we move I will have more projects than I can imagine.  Have a fabulous weekend.