We have a local nursery that has been here forever. I don't know how long, but as long as I can remember. It recently changed ownership. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to exercise my quest to make myself do things that are uncomfortable. I have recently been advised and realize unless I start doing things I am not already doing my business is not going to grow. I do not like putting myself in situations that I may get rejected, but it is time to grow up and not take everything so personal. So, I sent the owner a text along with some photos. That lead to a visit to my house to see my pieces. That lead to, "I love your style, bring it all down to the shop". Yippie Skippie. Somebody, other than myself, likes my stuff. Validation is beautiful.
You have seen the pieces that I put in their shop already, but they look so different in another setting.
Take a look.
Ok, you may not have seen these. I don't think I have posted about my love of message boards. I have an assortment here. Most I do out of old windows but sometimes I will use an old frame. The tall skinny one with chicken wire is an old cabinet door that the glass broke out of. I figure everyone could use a message board or two.
Here is the little end table that I did the grain sack look on the top of.
Remember the iron parlor chairs? She had a cute little table to pair them with. Adorable.
And here are the little iron tables that I did the antiqued mirror top on. Very cute with these black and burlap frames.
I love the children's section of this shop. My Union Jack cabinet fits right in.
For all of you Woodland Ca. locals, go take a look. It was Youngmark's and now is Boxwood Nursery. The new owners are Ryan and Erin Fullerton. They have done a beautiful job transforming the inside and outside of the business. All of the flowers are blooming so it is just beautiful walking through the nursery. I am very grateful for the opportunity to display my goods in their store. I am also proud I made myself get a little uncomfortable. It definitely paid off.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter. I am headed to Santa Cruz for Spring Break. I will post from there next week. I am ready for a little vacation get away.